Charlie Street
Charlie Street, Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the University of Birmingham, working in WP3.
Razane Azrou
This time we would like to feature Razane Azrou, who is Research Engineer at CEA, working in WP2.
Autonomous Systems Developer Survey
Masoumeh Mansoori
Meet the developer
This time we would like to feature Masoumeh Mansoori, an Associate Professor at the University of Birmingham, and a team leader for the project's work package Task and Motion planning.
ACM SIGSOFT Summer School for Software Engineering in Robotics
Members of the CONVINCE consortium contributed to the ACM SIGSOFT Summer School for Software Engineering in Robotics that was held in Bruxelles June 4-8 2024. Enrico Ghiorzi (University of Genova) gave a lecture on Behavior Trees and tooling, while Ralph Lange and Michaela Klauck (BOSCH) organized a full day on Verification and Validation of autonomous robots.
Michaela Klauck
The inaugural "Meet the Developer" article takes you behind the scenes to shine a spotlight on the individuals driving Convince. We're excited to begin with Michaela Klauck, Research Engineer at Bosch Corporate Research.
April 2024 Newsletter
In this newsletter, you will find a project update, survey news, information about ERF 2024, as well as details of upcoming events and publications.
Workshop and Insight Session, ERF 2024
CONVINCE joined forces with the project to SestoSenso to organize the workshop and insight session on Safe Adaptatio for Long-Term Autonomy and Human-Robot Interaction.
CONVINCE exhibition booth at ERF 2024
We were in Rimini to attend the 2024 European Forum. This time we brought also the R1 robot to demonstrate its capabilities, together with a poster to present CONVINCE aims, challenges and methodology.
First review, Renningen Germany
The Consortium met in Renningen for the first review of the project. We had fruitful discussion with the project officer and the reviewers and invaluable insights. Looking fotward to the next year of activities!
Project meeting in Paris
We just had an exciting project meeting in Paris, hosted by CEA.
We discussed project progress and planned the next steps in view of the first periodic report of CONVINCE. We also had a chance to visit CEA showroom and robotics laboratories, quite impressive!
Kick-off: ROS Deliberation Working Group
We propose a new ROS Working Group, whose main goal shall be to develop common architectural concepts and framework mechanisms so that the various methods can be combined more easily.
CONVINCE project kicked off to improve the autonomy of robots. Coordinated by the Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (IIT), the project has been awarded over €4 million in EU funding under the Horizon Europe Programme. Complete press release.
The news was featured on the leading Italian press agency ANSA.
CONVINCE is attending the 2023 European Robotics Forum at Odense, Denmark.
CONVINCE Project Kick-Off
CONVINCE project had its kick-off meerting in October 2022, which was held in Genova, Italy.