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Context-aware verifiable and adaptIve dynamic deliberation


Context-aware verifiable and adaptIve dynamic deliberation

CONVINCE is a project funded by the European Union Horizon Europe Programme (Grant Agreement N. 101070227). The main  contribution is to develop and verify cognitive deliberation capabilities that ensure safe robot operation over extended periods of time without human intervention and integrate these capabilities into a model-driven software toolchain for robot developers.


Outside strictly controlled environments, robots are often unable to deal with unexpected situations and take appropriate actions to remain operational without human intervention.


To advance the capabilities of robots to perform complex tasks robustly and safely within unstructured environments via autonomous and unsupervised adaptation to the environment and operational context.


To advance the state-of-the-art in situation understanding and scene perception, task, motion planning in dynamic environment, design-time and run-time verification, and integrate these capabilities in an open source software toolchain.
